7 Steps to a Decluttered Home

7 Steps to a Decluttered Home


A saying many of you will remember hearing as a child is “Make your bed!” At the time we may have been thinking of so many other things we could be doing however this routine can set you up for success during your Decluttering process. Christine Murphy, Professional Organiser at OCD – Organising, Cleaning and Decluttering Specialists is quoted as saying; “Always start your day by making your bed. It’s an easy task to complete and tick off the To Do List. It is so important to achieve small goals throughout the day, as this will keep you motivated and inspired to achieve more. Plus, at the end of a busy day, who doesn’t love the feeling of sliding into a freshly made bed!”

So now your bed is made, let’s get started.



Step 1: Set goals and write To Do lists

What is it you are wanting to achieve through the Decluttering process? Decide what your goals are for decluttering your home, then start writing To Do lists specific for each room. By writing each task down we begin to break down our Decluttering process into manageable chunks. A To Do list also provides you with a reference point to keep you focused and accountable.


Step 2: Know your sorting categories  

If you read our blog on How to Downsize, you know we are firm believers in our six sorting categories: Keep, rubbish, recycle/re-purpose, donate, give away and sell. All your possessions will fit into one of these categories.


Step 3: Create and organise your sorting system 

Firstly, are you moving or remaining in your house? If you are moving, stock up on moving boxes to avoid double handling. But if you are remaining in the same home, try to use boxes, bags, containers, washing baskets and other items you already have to create and label your six sorting categories. Once you start, it’s best to keep these items within easy access to the room you are working in but separate enough that you do not let them merge into each other.


Step 4: Start out small

Start with the easy tasks first, like making your bed! Or something you will enjoy doing. That way you’re starting your Decluttering process with a success straight up and something you can tick off the To Do list. Creating your own successes along the way will keep you motivated!


Step 5: Drill down your focus  

Decide which room you would like to work in and then focus on one area in that room at a time. As you come across items which belong in other rooms resist the urge to leave the room you are in. Start a small pile of these items and then once you have a collection of 10 items, take these to the other room. Use this time to stretch, grab a drink of water and reflect on your achievements, then return to the room you are focusing on.


Step 6: Gather all like things together 

When you’ve decided which room and area within the room you want to start with, make sure everything relating to that area is together. For example, if you are going to work in your bedroom and focus on your closet, ensure all your clothes, shoes etc are in your room. Try to have all your clothes washed and dried before you start so there are no surprises left in the washing basket.


Step 7: Clean 

The final piece to the puzzle is cleaning. It’s important that before you start the Organising process with all your Keep items you clean and prepare the area. Not only to make sure the area is free of dust, dirt, marks but also to protect and take care of the items you will be storing there.
I’ve found some really great resources at IKEA that you may like to use: non slip rubber matting or drawer liners in kitchen drawers to avoid pots and pans from scratching. You may like to line your underwear drawers with scented drawer liners from Pillow Talk for a nice finishing touch also.
So, what’s the first task you’ll do when you wake up tomorrow? The easiest – making your bed 😉

Have you seen our FREE online workshop on decluttering? If not, click here to receive the tutorial and enjoy viewing in the comfort of your own home. 


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